Friday, February 25, 2011

The fashion dillema

Lately I have been wanting to really revamp my wardrobe and my overall look. I always see beautiful fashion photos and am so inspired but I tend to play it safe with what I choose to wear. I feel like my mentatlity when I am getting dressed is the same mentatlity that I had when I was in high school....I'm in a rut!

This has inspired somewhat of a "challange" that I have come up with for myself. And I would love to share it here with you! I have seen several blogs that share features about "what I wore" or my "daily outfit" , I want to take the idea of that sort of feature but give it a bit of a twist .

So here's the challange:
1. I'm going to start having Matt take photos of my outfits every day (other than the days that all I wear out is my work uniform)

2. I'm going to post them here so that you all can help me to revamp my style. You can tell me what you think is working and what is not working (but please be kind!)

In short, I need you guys to be my Stacy Londons and Clinton Kellys
(you know ...What Not to Wear)

Basically what I want to change is my ultra casual look. I love the idea of carefree fashion, you know, simple, polished, and comfortable. I need to develop a beautiful style that translates professionally as Matt and I meet with brides (don't forget that we do wedding photography) and attend local networking events.I really want to be sure not to look too too young.

Here's some of my favorite outfit inspirations !

( The Fancy Teacup has such a cute style!)
( I adore the look of a beautiful trench coat! Photo from weheartit)
( I would love to mix in some vintage inspired pieces like beautiful dresses in vibrant colors . Photo
(Rashida Jones's look in this photo is sooooo cute! I love the sort of menswear pieces! Photo
(Elsie Flanningan has such a cute style perspective! This look is BEAUTIFUL! A sweet vintage, professional look!)

The Challenge begins this week! I will be documenting my outfits and I will share them here with you next week! Also....hopefully I will be getting some lovely ladies together so that I can take some better photos of my new headbands! Have a wonderful Friday !

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